I’ve seen some signs of fall in Seattle, Washington. The trees where starting to change from beautiful greens to rusty colors. Yes, summer is coming to an end, even in this area of mild climate. You may think that here the green will never disappear, and in some cases it doesn’t. Some foliage starts to …
Panama City skyline, is an amazing view observed from the Amador Peninsula, across the Panama Bay, Panama. Let’s start with the beginning: I took these two photo above and below on January 1st 2012. In other words, Yes, we spend our New Year’s Eve and a few more days after in Panama City, Panama! 🙂* …
Challis Idaho, a quiet historic town today, used to be the largest city in the Custer County. Founded in 1878, Challis lost many of its original architecture during the 1983 earthquake, but some have been rebuilt. I noticed that all buildings utilize wood as the main material, so the keep the authenticity of the place. …
Who said Mexicans were poor…?? This is a view from the back of a classic Mercedes Benz car, cruising one of the narrow downhill streets in Guanajuato, Mexico. Well, who said the Mexicans were poor? I actually saw them coming from the top. It was a little unusual to see such a car going down …
Colorful hilltop buildings in Guanajuato Mexico There are a lot of colors in Guanajuato Mexico. Some even say that this is the most beautiful city in the country. I don’t know if it’s the most beautiful, but it is nevertheless on the top of the list 🙂 Colorful hilltop buildings in Guanajuato Mexico What makes …
When I travel I often take candid photography. In fact, it is rare when I don’t. That’s because I think that showing people is a good way to get the sense of a place. You can see this in many of my previous posts. A few evident examples are: the Kuna Vendors in Panama, or …
It was a slight cold rainy day of February when we visited Heidelberg, Traveling Germany. This is a famous college town in Baden-Württemberg (South-West of Germany). It is considered with good reason one of the most beautiful towns in this country. A great place in the world to be even in a rainy day 🙂 …