Swans nuptial dance ritual on the Rhine River, Germany, in a sunny day of spring, at their mating time. What an incredible unexpected chance to be able to watch and photograph the activity of these amazing birds! You can see some other photos I took of them in my birds gallery at Fine Art America* …
Challis Idaho, a quiet historic town today, used to be the largest city in the Custer County. Founded in 1878, Challis lost many of its original architecture during the 1983 earthquake, but some have been rebuilt. I noticed that all buildings utilize wood as the main material, so the keep the authenticity of the place. …
Mother best mentor There’s no secret that a mother is the core of the family and best mentor ever – we all know this and are grateful to what she taught us from the first day we came into this world. I dedicate to my Mom these cute photos of a wild duck mother, guiding …