Water drops after rain

Backlit pictures is one of my favorite subjects. Observing the nature, shooting in the urban areas, or just exploring objects lit from the back is a type of photography I often embrace. No matter the time of the year or the subject, I love to see and capture them with my camera. Well I haven’t …

Challis Idaho Digital Painting

Challis Idaho, a quiet historic town today, used to be the largest city in the Custer County. Founded in 1878, Challis lost many of its original architecture during the 1983 earthquake, but some have been rebuilt. I noticed that all buildings utilize wood as the main material, so the keep the authenticity of the place. …

Feeding dolphins watercolor of liquid

LIQUID – was the theme of a 7 day challenge for fun at Fine Art America, that ended today, and Hey!, I got a Certificate for accomplishing this 🙂 Oh, the certificate says “7 Day Water Challenge“, but in reality it was about “Liquid” not just water. Anyways, good enough 🙂 The rule was to …

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