Fog on the road

Mount Hood Highway Road Trip. Pictures taken through the windshield while Driving along Mount Hood River Oregon at the end of October. You can also see some in my Layers in Photography along my travels. Although my husband and I were continuously traveling, In 2019 my life was still so beautiful and happy. I can …

yellowstone national park attractions

I had known about Yellowstone National Park attractions since I was a teenager, but never thought the day would come when I would be able to see all these things in reality. Well, in June, 2015 the miracle happened!!! While driving North from Nevada (where we spent the winter) back to Canada, I noticed on the …

Don't Travel with a Red Car In Mexico

Don’t Travel with a Red Car In Mexico! 🙂 I took this humorous photo in a rural area of Chiapas, Mexico, and I thought it was a good photo-journalistic image 🙂 My husband and I noticed this funny scenery while driving on the back-roads of Mexico. We happened to be behind this red truck and …

Osoyoos Welcome sign

Welcome to Osoyoos Canada, the warmest place in the country! Today we are here, and although the nature is sill gray, it is a nice place. The colors of the valley, lake and mountains look fantastic 😀 I thought to photograph both: the welcoming sign to this touristic town of British Columbia and the information …

Transport- Mexico-Guatemala

There are several ways of transportation in Guatemala. Ours was a rental car we got in Cancun, Mexico. Welcome to the Caribbean! 🙂 I have to make a parenthesis here about this:This was in the year 2010. Later, in 2018 we tried to do the same – we had already booked a place via airbnb, …

New horizon Baja California

A new horizon in Baja California, Mexico. Actually seeing new horizons is fortunately a wonderful thing I deal with quite often. This, because my husband and I like to travel a lot. – While this is not always easy, it is however very interesting and exciting. New Horizons in Baja California Not only that I’m seeing …

Austtin Nevada in the winter

It was in November 2015 when we traveled through Austin Nevada, going South after we spent the summer in Montana. Austin Nevada two days after the snow storm, on Veterans Day 2015 A big snowfall started in the beginning of our trip South and followed us through the high elevations of the Oregon mountains. The layer …

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