Swans nuptial dance

Swans nuptial dance ritual on the Rhine River, Germany, in a sunny day of spring, at their mating time. What an incredible unexpected chance to be able to watch and photograph the activity of these amazing birds! You can see some other photos I took of them in my birds gallery at Fine Art America* …

Donaueschingen Danube River Source

Donaueschingen Danube River Source – A place worth visiting. The main image of this post features “Donau Quelle” which is the German for Danube River Spring. For those who don’t know, Danube is the second biggest river in Europe, after Volga. It starts in the Black Forest in Germany and ends in the Black Sea, …

Spring carnival in Gottenheim, Germany

In 2010 I was lucky to be able to see and take photos at a Spring Carnival In Germany. In the month of March, Germans have festivals in almost every village. Knowing abut these festivals, we decided to go to the village of Gottenheim, in the federal state of Baden-Württemberg. It was not too far …

Winter holidays in Germany -Christmas lights in Bamberg, Germany

Some years ago we spent the winter holidays in Germany, and we didn’t regret it. In this country people take their free time seriously and this is common. When they work, they work hard, when they party, they really do it – no mistakes! At this time of the year for instance, Germans take a …

Pigeons of Heidelberg, Germany

It was a slight cold rainy day of February when we visited Heidelberg, Traveling Germany. This is a famous college town in Baden-Württemberg (South-West of Germany). It is considered with good reason one of the most beautiful towns in this country. A great place in the world to be even in a rainy day 🙂 …

Skewed lines urban Art

I love to observe and photograph the skewed lines and shapes produced by reflections. Whether produced by windows or water surfaces, they create beautiful artistic abstracts. In this case I photographed a big wall of windows on a building in Bremerhaven, Germany.I found it in a small harbor, more like a marina for leisure boating …

Nuremberg sausages-on sauerkraut

Nuremberg sausages with sauerkraut and potatoes is an authentic, traditional German plate – oh, I cannot tell how good it is… I wish I had some right now 🙂 Nuremberg sausages with sauerkraut and mashed potatoes in Cologne, Germany It was a rainy spring day, but not bad enough to keep us inside. After all we were here to see everything, and …

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