What are Leading lines in photography, anyway? Well, if in the antiquity all the roads were leading to Rome, in photography, they lead to the main subject of the picture 🙂 The most common use of leading lines in photography are the roads and pathways This one for instance, was a road glowing in the …
No Place Like Home is sounds always so good, and I like it, because I feel at home in almost all the places I travel. I also like to take photos of what other people’s homes look like, or places that inspire home to me. I have quite a few homey looking images from my …
Life in Newfoundland is simple, peaceful and beautiful. Want a relaxing vacation? Newfoundland is the place to go. But this post is not as much about relaxation, but about the fact that creates it: SIMPLICITY. It is well known that simplicity creates relaxation and we all need this so much these days. I often like …
In 2010 I was lucky to be able to see and take photos at a Spring Carnival In Germany. In the month of March, Germans have festivals in almost every village. Knowing abut these festivals, we decided to go to the village of Gottenheim, in the federal state of Baden-Württemberg. It was not too far …
We visited San Agustin Etla Arts Center in Mexico a few years ago, and I always wanted to make a post on this ever since. The opportunity came with a WP challenge on reflections. Just perfect, because most of my photos taken there are based on water reflections. I never had such a surrealistic sentiment …
So why did I do a treasure hunt in Newfoundland? This is what I literally did, without going there with this in mind. Let’s start with the beginning: Newfoundland or Terra Nova is an island in Atlantic Canada. The local people call it “The Rock”. That’s because this island is really very rocky, and actually …
He, he,… A window with a view is one of my favorite subjects to photograph 🙂 I’m glad I got this idea for my new travel photography blog. I have to thank one of the WP challenges for this. It’s the one that I love most to participate in, because of the high quality photos …
Traveling Ontario in January can be quite rewording: lots of beautiful places and winter travel photography opportunities. This is a retrospective of our first days of January 2013 trip in the Southern Ontario. I’m talking about the part of Ontario, from Ottawa to the South-West. We didn’t do this trip with the sole purpose …