Yellowstone National Park Attractions

I had known about Yellowstone National Park attractions since I was a teenager, but never thought the day would come when I would be able to see all these things in reality.

Well, in June, 2015 the miracle happened!!!

While driving North from Nevada (where we spent the winter) back to Canada, I noticed on the map that the road crossing the magnificent park was an option… We were running a little out of time, but being so close it was a shame to skip it. Oh, how happy I was when my husband confirmed that yes, we could do it!
Here is a comprehensive story of our one-day trip though the famous park.
** I uploaded some of my photos below to my Fine Art America gallery, where they are available as art prints. Just follow the links in the captions to see them with all the options:

Yellowstone National Park Attractions viewed in a one-day trip

After passing the Grand Tetons National Park going North, we shortly arrived in the park at the South Entrance. This one is a less attractive entrance, but it is still beautiful. Not far from this place we noticed that we were at the point of the Continental Divide at an altitude of 7088 feet – wow, we were quite high…
* I’m proud that I won the first place in a contest at Fine Art America. It was about images taken while driving and showing part of the car πŸ™‚

There are several itineraries you can take in the park, but we went down a random road – we always do… The first stop was of course at the Old Faithful Inn, where we parked the car. This hotel is located in the Upper Geyser Basin. It was close to the designated board walks, and I took them to see some of the famous Yellowstone National Park attractions: geysers, hot springs and pools.

The Geysers of Yellowstone

The first thing I saw was the Castle Geyser, with a sign predicting the next eruption. First I thought I didn’t see well, but looking more attentively, I clearly read the text – the next eruption was supposed to happen the next day!!! I heard scary things about the Yellowstone Park danger of eruptions, but I didn’t know what the consequences would be for this one…

I was wondering what all the people around me were thinking about this, but they all looked relaxed and enjoying their free time…hmm!

After we left, I checked the news for the next few days, but couldn’t find anything… I arrived at the conclusion that most probably eruptions here are a common thing. More than this, it is actually a good thing that they happen, because they release a little of the pressure of whole volcano underneath.

** It looks like we are living under the specter of a big eruption, which I read has became quite threatening:

The boardwalks are totally secure, and there is no danger at all exploring the literally boiling environment around, if you follow the park rules. Left and right there are geysers and fizzy bubbling and fuming pools. The landscape reminded me of some scary SF movies. I made some of them more artistically in the digital media πŸ™‚

The geyser basin in Yellowstone National Park color pencil painting in digital media
The geyser basin in Yellowstone National Park color pencil painting in digital media
Trails of the geyser basin, Yellowstone National Park - digital painting
Trails of the geyser basin, Yellowstone National Park – digitally painting
Hot springs and geysers landscape in Yellowstone
Hot springs and geysers landscape at the Upper Basin of Yellowstone

Now, it depends on how you look at things too….

Stunning colors

All these uncommon manifestations of mother nature can actually appear to be very interesting and beautiful (after you get a little used to them and relax). The colors of all the toxic fuming waters along with the calcareous deposits around them, are quite amazing, if not obnoxious so to say…

Fuming basin around the castle geyser with orange colors
Fuming basin around the castle geyser with orange colors
Blue Crested Pool at Yellowstone National Park
Blue Crested Pool in Yellowstone
Amazing green and brown orange at the Belgian Pool
Amazing green and brown orange at the Belgian Pool, surrounded by purple flowers
  • It looks like these purple flowers like volcanic soil – we’ve seen them at the Craters of Moon in Idaho as well.

Old Faithful Geyser

One of the main Yellowstone National Park attractions is nevertheless the Old Faithful Geyser. It’s supposed to erupt every hour or so, and if you have time and patience you can see it in its full “splendor”.

More stunning scenery and Yellowstone National Park attractions

We had to keep moving.The next sightseeing while driving North was at the Lower Geyser Basin, along the Firehole River

Geysers at the Lower Basin in Yellowstone
Geysers at the Lower Basin in Yellowstone
Firehole River and geysers in Yellowstone
Firehole River and geysers in Yellowstone

Summer storm in Yellowstone National Park

It was cloudy and the rain was quite imminent. Passing through Norris Point on the way to Gardner River, I was blown away by the incredibly beautiful greens revealed by the light before the storm!

Light before the storm
Beautiful green color of the field in the light before the storm in Yellowstone National Park
Green fields and light before the storm in the Yellowstone National Park in June
Green fields and light before the storm in the Yellowstone National Park in June

As we were driving up the hills, the storm has suddenly arrived – To me it was beautiful and I would say it was one of the Yellowstone National Park attractions in the summertime.

Summer storm in Yellowstone National Park
Summer storm in Yellowstone National Park

I couldn’t resist taking this photo with all the water drops on the windshield, sparkling in the sun

Spots of light in the summer rain in Yellowstone National Park

The visibility was not ideal I would say, but fortunately it didn’t last too long πŸ™‚ I made this one as a painting in the digital media.

Wildlife in Yellowstone

The sun reappeared and the wildlife came out for a nice snack πŸ™‚ Deer and Moose were all together in the pasture. I’ve never seen so many in one place.

Wildlife in Yellowstone Park
Deer in Yellowstone

I agree that our wildlife experience was not very extensive. There is much more out there if you have the time to explore… When it comes to Yellowstone National Park attractions, a one day trip can become quite long – with so many things to see!

We were almost at the end, and after driving trough this high pass between the mountains, we approached the North entrance (our exist)

High Pass through the mountains

But the end was not quite as close as we thought. – Another fascinating area was just about to reveal πŸ™‚

Mammoth Springs at Yellowstone

Mammoth Springs and rock formations

We spent about an hour looking around and taking photos – who could imagine it was so beautiful πŸ™‚

Mammoth Springs at Yellowstone

This was our one day journey into the milieu Yellowstone National Park. We didn’t really know what to expect and the best itinerary to take. But you can take a guided tour with all the knowledge and advice you need. Click here to see the most popular tours to Yellowstone and the touristic areas around, including: Grand Teton, Jackson, Antelope Canyon and California Theme Parks.

Made in 2015, I updated this post today with my new uploads.

10 Comments on “Yellowstone National Park Attractions”

  1. Yellowstone, I think it would be fair to say it’s a mecca for wildlife and landscape photographers both. I’ve never been but it is certainly on my bucket list. One day seems way too short of a visit. Lovely photographs. Thanks for sharing your photos and experience.

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