Jonathan the curious llama is a Wordless post ๐Ÿ™‚ Posted in the “Quick Shots On the Go” for”: The Halfway Line | Fan of… Llamas

Mount Rainier covered by snow in the summertime digital water color

It is fascinating to see the majestic Mount Rainier covered by snow in the summertime. For those who don’t know, this is actually an active volcano. Not an ordinary volcano though… This one is the most dangerous volcano on Earth, with a huge destructive power. But it is not rare when some of most beautiful …

Candid photography - Shoe polisher in San Cristobal De Las Casas, Mexico

When I travel I often take candid photography. In fact, it is rare when I don’t. That’s because I think that showing people is a good way to get the sense of a place. You can see this in many of my previous posts. A few evident examples are: theย  Kuna Vendors in Panama, or …

Mercado Ajijic, Mexico

As a traveler, shopping at local markets in Mexico or grocery stores is a great cultural experience. This is true for every country in the world. Food is always a good indicator aboutย  people’s customs and lifestyle. It’s different from country to country and even from region to region. It’s unique and characteristic. That’s why, …

Dolan Springs is an authentic Wild West village in Mohave County, Arizona. Many tourists pass by it everyday by bus on the way to Grand Canyon West, but not too many even notice it… The rather quiet rustic village is just a stop for gas and a cup of coffee. The village is actually half …

Tulum Mayan ruins

Tulum Mayan ruins is a well known touristic destinations in Mexico and a must to visit place. For me seeing the Mayan pyramids was a dream since I was young back in Europe. I was fortunate to visit them when we went down south escaping the cold Canadian winter ๐Ÿ™‚ My husband and I went …

Dreamy like looking winter country scene in Ontario, Canada

Well, when in snows in Canada, it pours… Just to paraphrase the well known saying about rain ๐Ÿ™‚ I took these two photos below while driving in a snow squall in Ontario. I should better say: while my husband was driving and I was shooting through the windshield from the passenger seat.. However, contrary to …

Fall is so on - Wordless Wednesday photo

“Fall IS SO ON” sign in front of Safeway, in Olimpia, Washington, on a cold day of September ๐Ÿ™‚ – Wordless Wednesday (humoristic) photo – see it on Instagram. Sunday Stills: Signs of Autumn | Odd Ball Photo Challenge

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