Kakabeka Falls, Ontario, Canada

My husband and I first heard about Kakabeka Falls when visiting Thunder Bay, Ontario. It happened to be my birthday, so it was the time for something exciting too see. It really was, and we didn’t regret our trip 🙂 – A great way to spend a special day!. You can walk over the bridge …

New horizon Baja California

A new horizon in Baja California, Mexico. Actually seeing new horizons is fortunately a wonderful thing I deal with quite often. This, because my husband and I like to travel a lot. – While this is not always easy, it is however very interesting and exciting. New Horizons in Baja California Not only that I’m seeing …

Flaming Gorge Symmetry

Flaming Gorge Reservoir Water Reflections We visited this stunning place on both sides: Wyoming and Utah and they both gorgeous places to see. The day when we visited the Flaming Gorge National Park in Wyoming, the water was so calm and clear. Just perfect for some astonishing perfect symmetric reflections. The lake at this National …

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