Ottawa the Capital of Canada

Most people know about Ottawa the Capital of Canada. It is not the largest city in the country, but in my opinion is the nicest. My husband and lived there for six years, so I got a gazillion photos of it.

Ottawa the Capital of Canada

The image above for instance, is a collage intended to say the word OTTAWA. I made it with elements I photographed at the Parliament building.

Most of the photographs below are part of my Fine Art America – Ottawa gallery, where they are available as art prints for wall, home decor and accessories.
* Click on them for a larger view!

Talking about history, Centennial Flame in front of the parliament is a symbolic monument that commemorates Canada’s 100th anniversary as a Confederation. It consists of a water fountain with a flame on top decorated with the shields of Canada’s 13 provinces and territories. It stands in front of the Parliament building in Ottawa, as a piece of urban art a Canadian landmark.

The building of the Canadian Parliament is without doubt the most significant building in the city. For those who don’t know, Canada is part of the Commonwealth system, so the parliament is similar to what you find in London, UK.

This is a view of the Parliament hill in Ottawa from across the Ottawa river, more precisely the Gatineau park. The area is called the Outaouais region, and is part of the National Capital Region.

Gatineau Park (French: Parc de la Gatineau) is also home to the Museum of Civilizations. The image below is a view of the Parliament Hill and the tour-boat taken from the terrace of the museum. You can see not only the Governmental buildings but also the famous Chateau Laurier. In between them the Rideau Canal merges into the Ottawa River. I also uploaded this picture to my Fine Art America Gallery:

In the winter the landscape is totally different. This is a photo I took while walking in the Gatineau park at the golden/blue hour in the afternoon, as the sun was going down. No boats crossing πŸ™‚

I SOLD a Floating Acrylic Print of this picture from my Society6 gallery

I also SOLD the black and white print of the Rideau Canal at wintertime, two times from my Fine Art America gallery πŸ™‚

Thank you buyers for the purchase of a sticker and a framed print of my picture! πŸ™‚ Click on the images for a larger view:

But in the summer, there is even a bus taking tourists on a cruise on Ottawa river!  – Yes you read correctly. I’m talking about an amphibian bus called “Lady Dive” and it starts in Gatineau, Quebec, crosses the river and and makes the tour of the capital.  Oh, Quebec-ers love boating!

Lady Dive the amphibian bus

No, you don’t have to rely on the bus to go from Quebec to Ontario πŸ™‚ There are several bridges crossing this river. I think that the busiest one is the Alexandra bridge. I took this picture from the Ottawa’s Parliament Hill, at night with long exposure for a more artistic look.

Royal Alexandra Inter-provincial Bridge from my Fine Art America gallery
Royal Alexandra Inter-provincial Bridge from my Fine Art America gallery

Downtown Ottawa the capital of Canada

Talking about “artistic” here is a picture of Wellington street. It follows the river and goes right by the parliament and other historic buildings. I made it as a digital painting. I hope you like it, because I have some more done this way πŸ™‚

Wellington Street painterly
Wellington street traffic travel photograph

In a rainy day of autumn the street looks a little different though… πŸ™‚

Rainy day in Ottawa from my FAA gallery

I actually SOLD a framed of this print as well πŸ™‚ Thank you buyer from Oakville, ON – Canada!

Traveling Ottawa, Canada

If you plan to travel to the Canadian capital, here is the map of it:

Wellington Street

Going from East to West, you first see the Fairmont Hotel  also called Chateau Laurier. It was built in 1912 the year of the Titanic. In 2012 the hotel and the old train station across the street celebrated a century of existence.

The famous Rideau Canal goes right by them discharging it’s waters into Ottawa river.

** The Canal connects the capital to Lake Ontario and the Saint Lawrence River. According to the statistics, it is 202 kilometres long, and in 2007 it was registered as a UNESCO World Heritage Site

Rideau Canal Locks, Ottawa from my Fine Art America gallery

But let’s follow the street: Next is where you will see most of the medieval-like government buildings.  * You may recognize the clock on the Parliament tower I used on the top image πŸ™‚

And here we go with the Parliament building in all it’s splendor πŸ™‚

Of course I took a lot of photos on this place, outside and inside, but I think that these two are quite interesting. It was on Canada Day (1st of July).

Scotish marching band on Canada day
Canadian marching band

But what I liked most to photograph were the reflections of the historic architecture into the new glass and steel modern buildings across the street. This is a tour-bus going by, which it makes an additional reflection on the move πŸ™‚

There are a lot of interesting things to see and do in Ottawa. For now however, I will end the story with the Art Museum with it’s modern building and the spider sculpture. I wrote about Maman the Giant Spider on my GiftSmart site.

Oh, I would still like to add some pictures made into mixed media digital painting. I took them in the area of the well known Byward Market in Ottawa at wintertime:

From carriage riding to motorcycles:

Talking about wintertime, I’d like to finish with this beautiful view of the Christmas Eve night in at the Ottawa Parliament in a blizzard. Just click on it to see it in my gallery:

I’m sure I’ll have the opportunity to tell you more about Ottawa the Capital of Canada in further coming posts. In the meantime, you can see more picture of the Canadian capital in my Fine Art America gallery I hope you liked what you have seen so far πŸ™‚

lens-artists photo challenge # 82 – capital

11 Comments on “Ottawa the Capital of Canada”

  1. Wow – great entry! Just love the bridge and the reflections – Maman is a bit frightening in fact…saw it here at VanΓ₯s exhibition, where I live, and in Bilbao.

    • Thank you so much Leya! I know about “Maman” – the vision of the artist – nobody can dispute that… πŸ™‚
      It’s there though and it will be there probably for ever. I think that Louise Bourgeois is from Quebec.

  2. Canada was my home for 12 months, lived in Victoria … loved every day *smile Canada has got most things right. Canada still own a big piece of my heart. Fantastic images .. never been to Ottawa, thanks for bringing me there. It seams to be a beautiful city. And … thanks for playing.

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