First time I participated in a Halloween Party at a Pub was in 2012 In Ottawa, Canada. It’s amazing that it took me so long to write about this event. This photo below got the Grand Prize Photo Winner at “City of Ottawa Canada Picture it Downtown Campaign” in 2012! 🙂
Here is the story: At that time I was participating in a photographic contest organized by the City of Ottawa. They made this “City of Ottawa Canada Picture it Downtown Campaign” for the benefit of small businesses located downtown in the Canadian Capital. The contest lasted a few weeks, and we had to submit fresh images everyday. I enrolled and went everyday to take photos in the city and then submitted them. There were daily and weekly prizes. I was was extremely enthusiastic about doing this, and took a lot of pictures. To my delight, I won some of these small challenges – Yay, it was so great! 🙂
Halloween came and my husband and I along with a good friend went to this pub, also in downtown Ottawa. I took many photos of course. The light was not great, but using a fast lens partially solved the problem. I was simply amazed by the creativity in producing all the decorations and costumes 🙂
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As I remember, that was the last day of the contest. What a great way to try my hand with these pictures in Ottawa. I submitted some from the Halloween party at the pub too, but I thought it was over. To my big surprise though, I got an email announcing me that I was the Grand Prize Winner of this contest with the photo at the top of this page! Wow, Wow, Wow!!! I also earned about $750 for this and the other photos 🙂
It was the greatest Halloween party ever! Even more exciting than taking pictures of Halloween witches in Newfoundland – although that was fun too 🙂 You can see more pictures from Ottawa in my FAA gallery.
Great pics and a great story! Congrats on the win!
Thank you so much Sharon! 🙂