Tail is a pedigree Golden Retriever and he likes to fetch 🙂
Fetching comes to these dogs naturally, since they are hunters, especially for game birds. They are also very friendly and playful, and happily jump into the water to retrieve that stick you throw. It’s a great way to spend some hours outside, and a good exercise for dogs as well. Playing with the dog is also the best way to make friends 🙂 Many would love to participate in the throwing the stick game, especially in a sunny beautiful day. It was at the same pond near Hartwells Locks on Rideau Canal, Ottawa, Canada where I got the pictures of the ducklings.
Here he is again looking very serious and determined in accomplishing his job right 🙂
I don’t know if they need have a pedigree to do this… most of the Golden Retriever dogs I think have it, but this is so unimportant for such a lovely dog like Tailor, and we had such a good time in his and his owners company that day 🙂
I took these photos also because I liked the way he was emerging from the water, the ripples, and of course the reflections.
For animal lovers, these photos are also available as art prints – Click on each of them for options on sizes and prices. * On print they will be watermark free.